A popular question for pastors is “What is your call story?”
It may be surprising to you, but from those I’ve heard, it’s more often characterized by a persistent or bothersome nudging than the clarion call we hear Jesus make to Simon Peter and the others in today’s gospel.
My own certainly was. Although I’d considered going to seminary after college, I didn’t pursue it then. A few years later, after Jamie and I had met and married and our oldest daughter was born, I was 26 and diagnosed with cancer, and it was there that I first experienced the holy work of hospital chaplains. But it wasn’t until ten years later, when our two children were in elementary school, that I began to ask what God wanted me to do, as I was pretty sure it was something different from the work I had been doing in nonprofits. And it was in the conversations with pastors that followed, and at each step of candidacy, seminary and internship that confirmed I was listening well and following God’s call for my life.
Like the disciples in today’s gospel, I wasn’t called to work that is wildly different from what I had been doing. It’s not like Jesus called me to build wells in Kenya or teach farmers in Guatemala. God is using what I know to make a difference with God’s people.
I still have deep conversations with people and learn about their lives. But instead of connecting their interests and passions to a cause or campaign, our conversations are more often centered on their faith stories and how God is calling them to live and serve. I still talk with people about giving but now it’s from the perspective of seeing our giving as a faith practice where we remember that we are custodians of what God has first given us. One of the very best, new parts of this call God has given me is helping people hear that God’s grace is for them and not only for other people; it sounds like foolishness when we use the world’s measures and standards, but that’s why grace is God’s gift to us and nothing we earn.
Each one of us has a call story. You may say, “Oh, I’m retired” or “I never went to seminary” or any number of other things to tell yourself you aren’t called, but you are. Like the pronouncement from the heavens when Jesus was baptized by John, at baptism, God pronounces you a child of God. In this way, God calls each one of us.
There’s a saying that
goes, “God doesn’t call the equipped, but God equips the called.” In today’s
gospel, we see Jesus call fishermen – laborers without education, credentials
or power. Jesus calls them and tells them,
“You know all you need to know – instead of fishing for fish in the sea, now you’re going to fish for people. Help people be caught by the love that God shows you and you show the world.”
“The call that Jesus casts over the waters of today is the same as the one that those first disciples heard.” (Jennifer Moland-Kovash, “Living by the Word”, Christian Century) Our call begins with our identity as children of God and continues with using the gifts God equips us with to show God’s love to the people we meet.
In calling them to join him, Jesus tells Simon Peter and the others that what they do matters, and we learn that there is a connection between what we believe and what we do. Disciples hear God’s Word and do it.
The gospel shows us that discipleship or following Jesus means leaving what we know or what is comfortable and going into an unknown future. Following Jesus means dying to the old and beginning anew.
It is what St. Paul
talks about in Romans 6:
we have been buried with [Christ Jesus] by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. (Romans 6:4 NRS)
In another of Paul’s letter, the one to the church in Corinth, we hear again about discipleship, and the importance of unity among the followers of Jesus. We don’t know exactly what is happening there, but Paul addresses the rise of factions or divisions within the community there and chastises them for placing their loyalty to one teacher or missionary above their unity in Christ Jesus. He calls the disciples there to set aside their divisions and focus on the power of God, known in the cross of Christ and what God is doing in their midst.
It isn’t easy to surrender to the disruptive love of God, leave what we know and follow God into a new and unknown future. But that is exactly what Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James and John to do, and it’s what God calls us to do, also.
We are called to be unified by God’s good news for the world as we figure out how God is calling us, individually and as a congregation, to bear that Good News to our neighbors and world.
As a community of God’s beloved, we’re called to be a place of welcome and acceptance, and a place where lives are transformed by hearing God’s word taught and where people experience healing. (David Lose, “In the Meantime”)
Reflecting on the gospel, as a congregation – a community of people following Jesus - we want to help catch people in the love of God.
When we share our lives with each other, when we tell others where we have seen Jesus in our day or our week, and when we invite friends to come and see what God is doing here at Grace or in one of the ministries we partner with, we are creating a giant net, woven together by relationships, where people can be caught up in God’s love.
Just imagine what that
bountiful catch could be!
Let us pray…
Good and gracious God,
Thank you for calling
each one of us your beloved child.
Thank you for the gift
of your grace that invites us to die to the old and begin anew, every day.
Help us live in your
love for us and share that love with the world.
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