Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 2 of Lent

Week 2 of the "Photo-a-Day" challenge created by Rethink Church challenged us to look at these words:

Defined for many by the events of September 11, 2001, evil was made visible in the events of that day, as well as others before it and since, whenever we have cried "never again". This photo is from TIME Pictures:

While, undoubtedly, the context for speaking of love during Lent is the inexhaustible love of God for us, the picture was what still comes to mind first for me: one from our wedding day in 1993.

The Spirit of God is ever in the wind or the whisper. Many images I saw on the day of this word were of cemeteries, recalling the spirits of all the saints who have gone before us. This glass sculpture was in my grandparents' dining room during their lifetimes, and if you squint, you can almost see the branches sway.

Daily, we're reminded to live life fully because it is a gift. With my family, I try to live with laughter and joy.

Last Sunday's Gospel text (Luke 13:31-35) spoke of the mother hen covering her brood, protecting them from the assault of the world around them. This image is from a chapel above Jerusalem that tradition says is where Jesus proclaimed his lament over the city. (Mt. 23:37)

For the rest of the week's reflections on "Vision" and "Lift", I have to rely on the Pinterest images collected by the folks at Rethink Church. The daily text and blog post give a short introduction to where they've drawn the word from, and sometimes, I read that before I find an image, while other times, I don't read it until later, and it's fun to see where our thoughts diverged.

What are you seeing differently this Lent?

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