Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Kingdom of Heaven in the Preacher's Corner

Listening to Jesus teach the parables for three weeks in July, we, like the disciples, try to grasp truth about God's love that lies just beyond our understanding, just beyond our reach. As followers of Jesus, how are we called to live? How can we understand what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like, what is unshakeable? And what difference does it make?

Sunday, July 27, 2014
7th Sunday after Pentecost

1 Kings 3:5-12
Psalm 119:129-136
Romans 8:26-39
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

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Sunday, July 20, 2014
6th Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 44:6-8
Psalm 86:11-17
Romans 8:12-25
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

"Of Many Generations"

The Women of the ELCA gather today through Sunday in downtown Charlotte, NC embodying the triennial event's theme "Of Many Generations." Among the visitors' options this afternoon was a tour of Belmont's Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden. From now through September 28, the gardens are hosting an exhibit "ZimSculpt" and artists in residence from Harare, Zimbabwe. The art is typically crafted without sketches or plans, and is carved from the stone in the geologic family of Serpentine. By serendipity the women's theme "of many generations" echoed in the sculptures that line the manicured paths of the gardens. Interspersed throughout the plantings, visitors view more than 100 Shona sculptures including "Family Discussion", "Unified Family", "Mother and Son" and "Newlyweds."

Like the sculptures that reflect the daily life and culture of southern Africa, the women gathered here are living representations of daily life and culture in this messy thing we call the Church.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Life Flows on in Endless Song

Sometimes I pray the headlines, which in the last 48 hours have included the most recent ground invasion of Gaza by Israel, the loss of nearly 300 lives on the Malaysia Flight MH17 and the crises in the U.S. border communities who are struggling to welcome refugee children from Central America.

This morning, I was feeling the weight of all that loss, anger and fear, so I decided to open our sanctuary at Ascension Lutheran Church, a couple of blocks north of the city square for three hours, and let our congregation know that the space would be unlocked and open for prayer to anyone who wanted to come.

As for me, I sat with an open hymnal (Evangelical Lutheran Worship) and prayed for the Church, for congregations, for God's mission, for peace, for healing and comfort, for the nations and leaders, for cities and citizens. I read some of the Psalms included in the hymnal, and then I started reading through the hymns themselves. The practice reminded that Pete Seeger had it right, life flows on in endless song. Thanks be to God.

Here are the words I prayed and read and sang (the ELW hymn numbers are in parentheses):
  • "lead us through our need or doubting, hope be born and joy restored" (312)
  • "cross of Christ stands towering over the wrecks of time...when woes of life overtake me, hopes deceive and fears annoy, never shall the cross forsake me." (324)
  • "when my head is bowed in sorrow, Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me." (325)
  • "the path through noise and silence" (326)
  • "parched and weary from the chase we have come from hurt and worry thirsting for your healing grace" (331)
  • "I come to Jesus as I was, so weary, worn and sad, I found in him a resting place" (332)
  • "Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray. Watch and pray." (348)
  • "The powers of death have done their worst; Jesus their legions has dispersed. Let shouts of holy joy outburst." (366)
  • "scatters fear and gloom" (376)
  • "whispered in silence then the world was still" (396)
  • "from the bondage of sorrow, all the captives dream dreams" (396) 
  • Veni Sancte Spiritus "Holy Spirit, Come to Us" (406)
  • Adoremus Te Domine "Lord we adore you"
  • Ubi Caritas Et Amor "Where true charity and love abide" (642)
  • "Wait for the Lord, whose day is near. Wait for the Lord, be strong, take heart." (262)
  • "O Lord, hear my prayer, when I call, answer me; O Lord, hear my prayer, come and listen to me." (751)
  • "Lord, listen to your children playing; Lord, send your Spirit in this place.Lord, listen to your children playing; send us love, send us power, send us grace." (752) 
  • "And when I am alone, Give me Jesus, you can have all this world, give me Jesus." (770)
  •  "Precious Lord, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Hear my cry, hear my call." (773)
  • "In your company, I'll go where your love and footsteps show. Thus I'll move and live and grow in you and you in me." (798)
  • "When our spirits like a chalice, brim with gladness; when our voices, full and clear, sing out the truth, we see God, here by our side, walking our way." (725)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Our extravagant and reckless God

The parable of the sower at the beginning of the parables discourse in Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew reminds us that we worship an extravagant and reckless God and there is no place and no one beyond the reach of God's grace, love and forgiveness.

Sunday, July 13, 2014
5th Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 55:10-13
Psalm 65:1-13
Romans 8:1-11
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Turning the World on its Head

Jesus had a way of turning the world on its head. He invites us to come to him, watch him, learn from him and imitate him. Not just in our prayers and worship, but in our lives.

During the Independence Day weekend in the USA we give thanks for all the freedoms we enjoy, and recognize those who lost their lives defending them. We also celebrate what Martin Luther called "The Freedom of a Christian." It is in this freedom that we live in response to the bottomless grace of God, remembering we are both perfectly free and yet dutiful servants of all.

Sunday, July 6, 2014
4th Sunday after Pentecost

Zechariah 9:9-12
Psalm 145: 8-14
Romans 7:15-25
Matthew 11:16-19, 20-24, 25-30

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If you are following the Revised Common Lectionary, these are the daily readings for the coming week (July 7 to July 12): 
Mon., July 7               Jeremiah 27:1-11, 16-22; Romans 1:18-25; Psalm 131
Tues., July 8               Jeremiah 28:10-17; Romans 3:1-8; Psalm 131
Wed., July 9               Jeremiah 13:1-11; John 13:1-17; Psalm 131
Thurs., July 10           Isaiah 48:1-5; Romans 2:12-16; Psalm 65: [1-8] 9-13
Fri., July 11                Isaiah 48:6-11; Romans 15:14-21; Psalm 65: [1-8] 9-13
Sat., July 12                Isaiah 52:1-6; John 12:44-50; Psalm 65: [1-8] 9-13